An Array of Radiologic Imaging Services offered by JB Imaging Consultants

                                  Medical Radiological X-ray Services 


  • Provide Texas Medical Board -Non-Certified Radiological Technician certification                                                                                                                                                
  • Education & Certification – provide x-ray education to develop Medical Assistants staff to becoming Non-Certified Radiological Technician.                                              
  • Education & Certification – provide x-ray education to develop Medical Assistants staff to becoming Non-Certified Radiological Technician.                                  
  • Provide computer radiographic simulator software for x-ray staff.                                   
  • Provide complete Radiographic Positioning Protocols                                                             
  • Review & develop radiographic x-ray system exposure charts                                               
  • Provide onsite Instructor x-ray training & education, clinical guidance and clinical competency evaluation reports.


                                                          Radiology Compliance Solutions


*        Operational Assessment as foundation for comprehensive SWOT Analysis

         [Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threat] Report with                                              recommendations.


*        Provide Complete Texas Department of Health Services Radiation Control     

          recommendations, guidance & monitoring to ensure radiation Federal/State

          regulatory compliances.


·         Perform role as Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) ; conducting quarterly RSO                      committee meetings and maintaining quarterly reports as per regulatory



·         Establish Radiation Regulatory Compliances.

             1.    Create Digital X-ray Operating & Safety Manual

             2.    Provide Radiation Safety Officer

             3.    Review Personnel Dosimetry

             4.    Maintain X-ray system equipment performance evaluation accuracy

             5.    Provide quarterly/annual x-ray unit inventory


·            Provide quarterly/annual Imaging Processing Quality Assurance & Quality                      Control

·             Provide Radiation Quarterly Audits

·              Provide Radiation Safety to all x-ray staff.